The HCTS is headed by a board of directors, whose members select a speaker for a term of office of one year. All decisions of the board and the daily business of the centre are implemented by the speaker with the support of the administrative manager and the administrative team. An academic advisory board regularly evaluates the performance of the HCTS and provides strategic advice.
Speaker and Administrative Manager
The speaker is selected by the board of directors from among its permanent members, regularly for a term of office of one year. S/he oversees the day-to-day business at the HCTS, and represents the centre within the university, before the university's rectorate, and in public. S/he is supported by the administrative manager.
Board of Directors
The board of directors consists of the five permanent professors and two associated professors from the Humanities and Social Sciences at Heidelberg University. A representative of the junior researchers and the administrative head advise the board without the right to vote on its decisions.
The administrative team at the HCTS provides an excellent environment for research and teaching. It supports the conceptualizing and implementing of individual and large scale projects, a virtual and physical research infrastructure, and the framing of digital humanities aspects in research and teaching.
Academic Advisory Board
Five internationally renowned scholars working in fields related to Transcultural Studies have been called by the Rector into the Academic Advisory Board of the HCTS. The Academic Advisory Board regularly overlooks the research and teaching at the centre, and provides guidance and support for its strategical development.