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Research FellowFangmin Lin

Contact Information

Fangmin Lin
Karl Jaspers Centre
Voßstraße 2, Building 4400
Room 400.01.24
69115 Heidelberg

+49 (0) 6221 54 4003

Fangmin Lin


Fangmin Lin is a doctoral student from National Chengchi University in Taiwan. His research interest is Indian Buddhist Philosophy, and he has been working on issues of epistemology and philosophy of mind from the perspective of Abhidharma, Madhyamaka and Yogācāra. In Heidelberg, his main work is conducting research in the project “Problems of Ascription in the Corpus of Paramārtha: A Computational Philological Study”, headed by Prof. Radich. While the connection between his interests and the project is thin, this is exactly his goal: to expand his knowledge of Buddhist studies from India to China, from philosophy to (computer-based) philology.