Heidelberg Research ArchitectureDigital Output

In the “Digital Output” section you find a list of a variety of outcome produced by or with support of the HRA, usually in close co-operation with research projects. “Digital Output” can mean different things, for example single files containing geo-referenced records that are visualized on a map (like kml/kmz files), source code of open software (published on GitHub or Gitlab), digital tools that are either running stand-alone or are part of software packages, or even full-fledged databases with front-ends, back-ends, as well as search and browse functionalities. 

To learn more about the projects and the individuals that created these outputs, please refer to the "Projects" section. Please note that in some cases digital output was created without the existence of a dedicated project. Some digital output was further structured, curated, and evaluated - and then published on research data repositories for easy access and re-use by the interested researcher. For these publications please refer to the "Data sets" section. 

Note: For some time, web sites hosted at Heidelberg University could be addressed via an alias ending with xyz.uni-hd.de. Unfortunately, this is not supported anymore. If server addresses “behind” this alias change, the alias address cannot be updated anymore. As an alternative we publish shortened html-forwards via uni-heidelberg.de/xyz, wherever available, or provide direct links to the resources on the servers. Please keep in mind that web front-ends have to be treated as ephemeral interfaces. However, the “real" research data can be published at heiDATA, the sustainable research data platform of Heidelberg University, where the material will be digitally preserved. For an overview of published research data please refer to the “Data Sets” section. 

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